Friday, December 7, 2012

When Mommy is Down

I was back on top of the daily.

I had crawled through 11 weeks of morning, or in my case, random, sickness and couch potato fatigue. I had made it to 13 weeks pregnant, added a B-Complex vitamin, and was finally feeling well enough to conquer the "all our walls have fallen in and a tornado dropped everyone elses laundry, dishes, toys, and soap scum into our heap" syndrome.

Laundry was caught up(AND put away, a miracle), dishes were fresh, and the kitchen sparkled.

It begged for baking. (It's a wise kitchen...)

Then, a different kind of daily happened.

A full week ago, I woke up, moved my arms, and felt a tinge of pain in my upper back. Like a trooper mom, I thought, no biggie, it'll be good in a few hours.

I continued the daily, all along feeling immense pain and neck stiffness increasing.

Diapers. Dishes(2 loads a day). Laundry(x3-4 a day). Toilets. Loving. Reading. Holding. Tripping over toys. Snacks. Meals. Garbage.

You get it.

And somewhere in the midst, I stopped. I sat for the first time that day. My back screamed it's pain and I realized,

She's down. Again.

I prayed.

Still in pain, because God works in MANY ways.

You see, I wanted the pain gone, my back fixed, so I could continue the housework. Get it tidy again.

I visited a tremendous friend and Chiro who gave me some wonderful relief and scheduled me another visit, because misaligned spines and weird out-of-place ribs dont usually stay put after one good adjustment.

Now, after E.I.G.H.T. days of being half the keeper that I am called to be, the house is scattered, the "crashing walls tornado" syndrome has returned, a handful of Christmas gifts plead to be crafted, and I'm telling it all to shut it. In the nicest way possible.

I want my pain to leave now so I can hug my husband without reminding him to be careful. So I can easily pick up my babies. So I can help them read a book with the animated voices and movements that they're used to. So that love of my life can spin me and dip me again. So my children dont have to hear me repeatedly say, "No baby, mommy can't right now because I'm hurting."

Honestly, when your back is out and it puts tension on your entire upper half, you really understand just how much you need it to love well.

I want to move again without pain so I can love them all well... at 100%, without the Momzilla that rears her ugly head when the pain taunts.

They deserve it.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

I was crafting, intently crafting, when our 4-year-old woke up from nap. Of course, he was hungry. Usually, this means that mommy drops everything and quickly crafts a three-course mea... I mean, a simple as can be, hurry up and eat it, sammie.

That day, I decided I would put his culinary skills to the test.

"Make your pb & j," I told him, fingers still hooked to my glue gun and beautiful ornament masterpiece-in-progress.

He was floored. Mind you, with very little instruction, both he and our 3-year-old daughter can effectively do a good number of household chores.

However... Spreading gooey substances was not a task I had chosen to instill in them...

Until that day.

He asked what he was supposed to do and I coached him from the chair, focusing mainly on my glue gun. I knew he was capable.

After about 5 minutes of listening to his squealing delight, I checked his progress and was amazed to see half a jar of peanut butter on one slice.

"Momma, can you open this," he asked, handing me the jelly jar.

I just HAD to giggle. Really, son...there's not a drop of jelly on that sandwhich yet? I suppose I had thought he had placed teensy amounts of jelly under his layer of peanut butter grout.


I watched him spread jelly and squeal some more as he learned a bit more independence.

It was a beautiful moment to observe.

He can make a "peanut buttah jelly time..."

As a mom of 4 under 5, with baby #5 growing in my womb, THIS IS HUGE!!! GIGANTIC, really.

Dare I say, E.P.I.C.

So, my encouragement to all mom's of littles who feel like you are ALWAYS doing it all... Teach them something new today. Expect them to grasp the concept of the task. Keep those precious babes near you all day and talk them through each thing you do! If she's a 1 year-old who can walk, chances are, she'll be carrying laundry with you in 3 short months. At 2, she'll be sorting the laundry. At 3, she'll be throwing it in the machine, taking it out of the dryer, AND folding towels.

And you've read what happens at 4! Be excited, mommas, be excited.

Need resources or further encouragement on training those littles... Or bigs, even ... To be diligent helpers, let me know. I'll e-mail you my faves!

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Bubble of Comfort

I'll state the obvious...
I'm out going.
Here's a secret...
I get really nervous when meeting new people or going new places.

Really, really n.e.r.v.o.u.s.

The fun thing about God is that He helps us push beyond that bubble, that place where we're so comfortable, we think it'd be better to avoid what makes us uncomfortable.

If we let Him, He will grab our hand and lead us to do new things.

Since moving an hour away from EVERYONE I knew, He has led me outside my bubble of comfort.

Do I like to talk to people?


Do I look forward to developing good relationships with strangers?

Not really.

You see, as I was growing up, I was awkward and unliked. I wasn't girly, my eyes were too big for my face, my hair went wherever it felt like going, and I hated girls in friendships. Petty, catty, mean, etc... That's the way I remember defining girls.

Fast forward many years and add a relationship with Christ that has helped me see Truth in how great fellowship with great ladies can be, and you find me going to places where I don 't expect to know A SINGLE SOUL.

Last night, I nearly backed out of an amazing time.

I was invited by a new friend to attend Praise and Coffee. I almost backed out. I almost e-mailed her to beg to be her shadow for the whole night.

God said no to both. So I went.

Alone. But, not alone. He was there.

Copy the link below and paste it into your browser to view more details on them.

At last night's gathering, we met Maranda from WOTV and heard a bit of her journey.

Wow, what a woman being used by God in a time where family units are being challenged.

I had a great time. I can't wait until next time.

I really believe this movement for women is headed to do BIG things. I am excited to be a part!

I wouldn't know that if I had hid inside, afraid to step out of my fear and love of comfort, to meet some great women doing great things for Our Kingdom.

So, I encourage you, step out! Even if your trembling. Ask God to find your hand, to give you peace, and to walk you through it. He will.